
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Too Cute!

A few funny stories I need to share:

1) This little guy is constantly cracking me up. I believe I have a budding comedian here. Lately, he's all about telling jokes. He'll say to me, "Do you know ducks wear pants?" (Or some other nonsensical statement)... Then crack himself up and say "That's a joke." I'm pretty sure he's forgotten part of the joke. But to watch him laugh at his own joke, now that's pretty funny!

2) The other day, we were sitting at a red light behind a truck. I am patiently waiting for the light to turn green when I hear my little backseat driver yell "Come ON! Let's GO!!" I don't know where on earth he learned that! :)

3) Just this week I had to travel to North Carolina for a business trip. On Thursday morning, I was preparing him for the fact that I wouldn't be at home that night. He asked me where I was going, so I told him. Then he asked 'why' (that famous toddler question) ... I told him that I had meetings to do. He pondered this for a second and then asked "Is it Show and Tell?" ... Well, yeah, Buddy, it really kinda is.

4) This same Thursday morning, I drop him off at school. And told him to give me a big hug because I wouldn't see him til Friday night. So he did. And then as I was walking away, he squeezed his arms and said, "I saved a hug for later." How sweet is that!!

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