
Saturday, May 13, 2006

His middle name shoulda been "Trouble"

I knew we were in trouble the minute he figured out how to crawl. And he's only gotten faster and faster. Now he gets into everything. Regardless of how many toys he has laying around him, he wants to play with things that he's not supposed to play with...

Exhibit A: The TV and DVD remotes. (These are his absolute favorite)!!

I even gave him his own remote to play with -- an old tv remote with no batteries. But since that one doesn't work and we don't use it, then he doesn't want to play with it. No, he wants the ones we use. And he'll crawl around all over the kitchen with both of them in his hands.... (I just have to laugh at him because it's too cute)!

Oh, isn't this sweet.... Luke wanted to help Mommy with her filing.

"You don't need this important bank statement, Mom. I'll just tear it up for you..."

Then later, he decided he wanted to help reorganize the VCR/ DVD cabinet.

"I found this label for you, Mom. I'll let you figure out which tape it goes on."

"Yum... Toy Story."

And so, the baby gates were installed.... (poor thing - looks like he's in jail).

He doesn't like them too much. Imagine that.

The gates prevent him from going from the den into the foyer (where the stairs are) and prevent him from going into the dining room from the kitchen. So the open den/ kitchen area is his stomping ground. He loves it when we open the back door leading to the deck. (There's a screen door there to let the breeze in). He'll just sit at the door and play with his toys.

Despite all the "trouble", he's still a very good boy!!