
Friday, October 07, 2005

Mommy's Lil' Buddy

Well, he's got his first official nickname -- I call him 'Buddy' all the time. Every kid needs a nickname. I think it's cute. My aunt called my cousin 'Bubba' all his life when really, his name is Drew. (But actually his legal name is Herbert LeBron Andrews III, so really 'Drew' is a nickname itself). So anyway, when I was in Babies R Us the other day, I saw a hooded towel that had printed on it, "Mommy's Lil' Buddy." I think I just might have to get it. How appropriate.

Here are some pictures from the past week:

Going to church....

He'll laugh at anything....

He's really getting that head and chest up off the ground. You can tell he wants to crawl so bad. He's got those arms and legs working while he's on his tummy. He ends up turning himself around about 90 degrees.

He's really talking a lot now. Of course, when I say talking, I mean cooing. But I think he's going to be a little talker. He will tell you all about it!