
Saturday, September 13, 2008

What a MESS!!

When I picked him up from school the other day, he didn't want to leave. He was having fun playing with Lincoln Logs. I told him that there was a big bucket of legos in his closet that we could play with when we got home. Well, then we made a few stops on the way, we ate dinner, took a bath, got ready for bed and forgot about the legos. So the next morning, he woke up an hour early asking about the legos. He didn't forget!!

So we got them out and played with them while Mommy was getting ready for work.

There were 2 rules about the legos - 1) you don't dump them out and 2) you don't put them in your mouth ... (there are some really small pieces)

So this is what his room looked like a little later....

And this is his toy room, which we call 'Lukeville' ... he has more toys than 10 kids should have!
I really don't know why I bother cleaning it up -- I will pick all the toys up and next thing I know, Tropical Storm Luke comes through and leaves a path of destruction.

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