
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Fun in the Pool and at the Park...

Well, we've got a pool in our backyard now!! No, it's not a real one. I found this blow-up pool set at a yard sale for $5! And I am so proud of my purchase. Luke helped Greg blow it up - he was very anxious to play in it. It came with a blow-up giraffe, snake, 4 balls, and other fun stuff. The palm tree sprays water out the top of it (but Luke doesn't like that, by the way).

Click on the pictures to enlarge, and right-click to save them to your computer.

Here he is sharing the pool with his friends.... he doesn't look too thrilled about it.

That face (below) cracks me up... I have no idea what he's thinking. (You'll have to click on it to enlarge the pic to get the full effect.)

Then one night we let the guys have a "Guys Night Out" and so us girls watched the kids. There were 6 kids and only 3 of us. We were seriously outnumbered! Here are all the kids eating dinner. Luke's the one in the middle highchair.

Then we took the kids to the Park!

This is my favorite picture... Here are the triplets and Luke running to see the train going by.

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