
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

2-year pictures - Funny Story

Ok - so I (finally) took Luke to get his 2-year pictures made. I was going to do it about 3 weeks ago but then he fell and scraped his face all up. (We couldn't very well get 2yr pictures made with a big scab on his lip, could we?) So I made an appt at Sears Portrait Studio yesterday after work. I left work a couple of minutes early, picked Luke up at day care and arrived at the Studio just in time for the 5:30pm appt. But when I walked in, she informed me that they were running a little behind - could be 20-30 minutes. So I chose to sit and wait. Well, 20-30 minutes turned into one hour!! I was just about to leave. But I knew if I left, I wouldn't come back. And I really, really needed to get these pictures made. It had been a full year since his last professional shoot. So after sitting and waiting (with an antsy 2-year old, mind you), I was getting a little irritated. I mean, what was the point of making an appointment if I was going to have to sit and wait for an hour, right?

So finally, we're called back. I didn't have high hopes or expectations for this shoot - mainly because the subject of the photo is two years old. It's hard for any two-year old to sit still for more than 10 seconds, let alone if it's 30 mintues past his dinner time (and he'd already been waiting for an hour). Plus, he'd already told me once that he was "hun-gee" and I had forgotten to pack some snacks that morning. So anyway, we get in the room and all the sudden he turns into Mr. Super Model. She told him where to stand and how to sit and he did everything she told him. Then when he saw that camera, he said "Cheese." And kept saying cheese. She wanted him to say "Monkey." But all he would say was "CHEESE." Totally cracked me up. She got some REALLY good pictures! I couldn't even believe it. He was the best little boy in the universe. I was so proud of him that even after sitting and waiting for an hour, he was a perfect angel. Then after six really good shots, he decided he was done posing. But six was really all we needed. So while she uploaded all the pictures, we went down to the food court and got him some Chick-Fil-A nuggets and fries. So he sat there and ate his nuggets, fries and milk (which was not in a sippy cup, by the way) while I picked out the pictures. The photographer was kind enough to give me a free Collage for our long wait. And I had a coupon for a free 10x13. Yipee. Don't you love free stuff?!?

I am so excited for you to see the pictures. Here is a sample of some of the good shots. I'll email you a link to the Sears site so you can order your own!!

Aren't those awesome? And that's not even all of them. They are all so good that I can't even pick a favorite!